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In Bible Study today, we were studying Genesis 49-50 about how Jacob and Joseph both made preparations for their deaths by leaving instructions to have heir bones taken to Canaan. The discussion question was: How prepared are you to die?

While that question may make us think whether or not we’ve made preparations for our eternal future, a lady in our group gave another type of answer.

In addition to securing her eternity by her faith in Jesus Christ, she has made a Trust and Will, purchased a burial plot, and written down instructions for her funeral service with her favorite hymns included. The wording for her tombstone has also been chosen.

She is about my age. But I have not done any of those things.

It is an act of love for your family to preplanned as much as you can. That way they do not have to make decisions and worry about details in their time of grief.

My favorite hymns are: And Can it Be?; Great is Thy Faithfulness; It Is Well With My Soul; The Love of God; Fairest Lord Jesus.

Got one thing out of the way.

Maybe we will do the Trust this summer.

One Response to “Prepared”

  1. Stuff That Matters In Life » Blog Archive » Plans for the year Says:

    […] posted before about making preparations. I am sure of my life in heaven with Jesus in the future, and we have life insurance. In fact, I […]