I learned a lesson today from a fellow PTA mom.

She and I put together a Volunteer Party at the school to recruit volunteers. After the rather successful event, she called me to thank me. She did not wait till I saw her at school the next day. She did not call me to ask me to do something for follow-up (which we still have to do). She called with the expressed purpose of thanking me. (Honestly, I thought she did more work than I did.)

I learned that I should take an extra step to thank people every time I see them doing something nice.

I learned I should not take people for granted. Their time and efforts are valuable. They deserve an extra word of thanks from me.

I learned to not wait until a convenient time to thank someone. Just a quick phone call means a lot.

I learned not to think of who I can ask to do something, but rather think of who I can thank for having done something already.

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