stored in: General

Reasons to start your own blog:

1. Blogging improves your writing skills.
2. Blogging forces you think about what you did all day.
3. Blogging makes you feel you are doing something productive.
4. Blogging helps you think through what is important to you and what is not before you put it down in writing.
5. Blogging helps you decipher what you want people to know about you and what you do not.
6. Blogging allows you to relive the moments of your life that you choose to relive.
7. Blogging makes you realize you can’t just spend your day doing the mundane, otherwise you have nothing to blog about.
8. Blogging motivates you to try something different just so you can put it on your blog.
9. Blogging reminds you to take pictures so you can upload them on your blog.
10. Blogging proves you’ve joined the age of technology and actively participating in it.

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