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We dropped Elliot off at USC on Monday, it being Labor Day weekend. I mentioned to Audrey that it seemed sadder to drop him off this time than on move-in day over 2 1/2 weeks ago. I was wondering why that is so when Audrey said this with great insight, “Because this is his home now.”

Elliot has a home separate from us. He comes to visit us and then we take him “home.” Sigh…the circle of life. We’ve all been there. I too was anxious to grow up and have my own “home.” I thought nothing of leaving my parents and going off on my own. When I came home to my parent’s house, it was never the same again as when I was a child. Now I am on the other side of the fence, watching my son go off happily to be on his own. When I think of my young adult period of life, it was a time of great adventure as well as growth. Elliot will experience the same. When I think of his benefit, I am happy. It is not my lost, but his gain that I will focus on.

The good son that he is, Elliot called home last night…at 11:30pm. I jumped out of bed to get the phone when I heard his voice on the answering machine…

One Response to “Changes”

  1. Katy’s Weblog » Blog Archive » A new season is coming Says:

    […] (I realized I’ve blogged this “empty nest” subject before. It’s becoming a current theme in my life.) […]