
Acts 8:4 “Those who had been scattered preached the word wherever they went.”

The persecution of Christians caused the believers to scatter throughout Judea and Samaria, thus expanded the preaching of the gospel to territories outside of Jerusalem. If not for the persecution, the Christians would’ve been happy building their 3000+ member church in Jerusalem. They would’ve failed to do what Jesus told them to do: You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth, Acts 1:8.

“We maintain a border of comfort around ourselves.” God allows some heat to move us beyond our comfort zone in order to expand us in our growth, and expand the preaching of the gospel.

Law of thermodynamics: heat causes expansion.

I was thinking, the believers could’ve scattered and kept their mouths shut as not to get into anymore trouble. But they didn’t. They expressed boldness by seizing the opportunity to share Christ wherever they went.

May I also be bold in sharing Christ, in all circumstances, wherever I go.

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