This book was recommended by a missionary friend. She said I don’t have to read the chapters in order. Each chapter describes how God is moving among the Muslims in different regions of the world to bring them to Jesus.

I only read one chapter, not the whole book. So this does not count as my book for the month. But I am documenting the one chapter for my own reference.

I chose to read chapter 4 first: the Indo-Malaysia room.

Indonesia has the largest population of Muslim in the world. Is there any hope that they can be saved?

One of the greatest recurring motivations for Muslims coming to Christ is a rejection of the militant expression of Islam itself – Page 56

I learned a lot about the history of Indonesia, the occupation by the Dutch, the fight for freedom and power from political parties, and the massive bloodshed a such a small nation.

Malaysia remains the country where draconian restrictions continue to prevent Malays from turning from Islam to any other faith. Page 56

May God move with power to save more Muslims.


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