
I like preaching to the children. Preparing and preaching the message is probably my main source of feeding from God’s Word. The process of delivering the message and seeing the children’s reaction builds my love for them. It gives me hope of what God’s Word can do. I understand why pastors like to preach. It’s not the public speaking we like. It’s the growth we get to experience in loving God’s Word and the people.

I also love the children’s innocent questions. In Sunday’s message about David’s sin with Bathsheba -1st grader: “What does tempted mean?” Good question. After I explained that it was wrong for David to take Bathsheba to his house because she is already married to someone else: 3rd grader: “Is it wrong to have someone to your house? Can’t they be friends?” That was a fun one to teach…

My voice was getting tired, so I left church without hanging around as I usually do.

We went to visit our granddaughter in Irvine, made a Christmas wreath with my DIL. We did this last year, maybe it’ll be a tradition for us.


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