stored in: 2019

I always lose sleep before vacation. Is it even worth going on vacation to relax when it takes so much to get ready to go?

Once the plane leaves the ground, then I feel relax.

When I had 3 months of Sabbatical last year, I felt very relaxed once I was away. I hope to feel the same on this vacation as I’m experiencing a lot of anxiety right now. Being anxious makes me tired emotionally, and I don’t feel like talking to people when I’m tired like that. And that’s bad because my strong point is connecting with people. I want to get out of this funk and I hope Hawaii will do it.

But a big blessing was 2 of the ladies I serve with from the Cantonese congregation took me out to lunch. It was such a nice time chatting. Then today one of those ladies brought me Uncle Tetsu’s! It’s my favorite thing in the world, the one dessert I cannot resist! God brings these blessings to me through people at a time when I’m tired and emotionally just want to quit. Now I can’t quit…

At mom’s fellowship today, 2 of the moms said, “Thanks for leading the discussion.” They don’t usually say that. I didn’t feel that great about the discussion at all. I am afraid that the discussion was just a discussion or didn’t point people to Jesus.  Then it would be a waste of time, for me at least. But they thought it was helpful. God has a way of using weak things, and I am definitely one of those. I have all kinds of weaknesses. I appreciate my husband for putting up with me when he takes the blunt of my bad mood. Honestly, if he treats me like I treat him, I wouldn’t be as kind to him as he is to me.

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