
I enjoy our staff meetings because we discuss ideas. Today we spent an inordinate amount of time discussing visitors and elderly parking spaces! While it may not sound very spiritual, and perhaps pastors should have other issues to talk about, I think this kind of discussion opens our minds to the state of our church in general. Are we presenting an easy way for new people to come to church to hear the gospel or is our lack of a seemingly simple thing as signage driving people away? Are we putting effort to care for people in this way? While we are not trying to create a perfect “user experience”, we don’t want to be discouraging to those who may be genuinely seeking God. In the perfect world, it wouldn’t matter if people have to park farther because they’d be so driven by spiritual hunger that they would walk 5 miles in the snow to attend church. Unfortunately that’s not suburban American Christianity.

Thankful for hubby, finished the painting of the family room and cleaned up. Now our couch looks bad…And this is why home improvement is never ending and always goes over budget.

Our rain barrel is full. Myth busted that it never rains in southern California.

[posted on 1/16/2019]

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