This book had a big influence on me in shaping my philosophy of ministry. I read this in November, and I can’t believe I didn’t blog it here, so I can remember it.

The introduction starts off with recounting the story of two nice young adults who were raised in the church, both of them identify themselves as Christians, and they are living good moral lives as adults, but have simply stopped showing interest in the Christian life. This story, and countless similar stories that I personally know, causes me to weep. What am I doing as a full time Christian staff whose main job is to make disciples of Jesus, if what I’m doing is not actually making disciples of Jesus?

This book gave me a lot of insight into the nature of salvation, God’s sovereign work, and my role in influencing children in God’s plan.

I got a download of this for free from Crossway, but I wouldn’t mind spending money on it.


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