A week away from leaving for Taiwan! I am feeling much better – I asked many people to pray for me and the team, and I know God is answering.

I feel I have more grasp of the lessons and teachings that I am prepping for.

Psalm 77 has been an encouragement to me recently.

The psalmist cries out to God and God doesn’t seem to be answering. No matter how hard he tries and how long he cries, God seems afar off. Have you ever felt that way? I have.

Then instead of dwelling on his current circumstances, the psalmist turns his thoughts to the past. When he recalls the miracles that God did in the history of Israel, he affirms that God is indeed an awesome and mighty God.

We don’t need God to do a miracle everyday for us to trust him. We can think of what he’s done in the past, and know that he is the same God. His love hasn’t changed. His power hasn’t changed.

I can trust God even if I don’t see him today, because I remember the miracles he’s done for me in the past. The miracle of sending Jesus to die and raise again to save me from judgement is enough.

To quote Nabeel Qureshi when he was diagnosed with advance stage stomach cancer –

“In the past few days my spirits have soared and sank as I pursue the Lord’s will and consider what the future might look like, but never once have I doubted this: that Jesus is Lord, His blood has paid my ransom, and by His wounds I am healed,” he wrote. “I have firm faith that my soul is saved by the grace and mercy of the Triune God, and not by any accomplishment or merit of my own. I am so thankful that I am a child of the Father, redeemed by the Son, and sealed in the Spirit. No, in the midst of the storm, I do not have to worry about my salvation, and for that I praise you, God.”
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