As my husband and I were walking out of the library, our favorite place to hang out, I saw this book in the featured section.

Everyone loves Sherlock Holmes, however I did not like this book.

The idea that the descendants of someone who took Moriaty’s identity and  the descendants of another villain find each other and are out for revenge is intriguing and very complicated.  But I just didn’t like the writing style of little character development and too many killings.

I read half the book, read the ending, and am returning it to the library.

3 Responses to “Moriarty Returns a Letter by Michael Robertson”

  1. Aaron Says:

    Bummer! I really like the Sherlock BBC series. I have never read the books.

  2. Joyful Says:

    The original stories by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle are relatively simple compared to the BBC series, haha!

  3. Elliot Says:

    This is a test