
If I was Lazarus, I wouldn’t want Jesus to raise me from the dead.

It is unpleasant at best, and torturous in many circumstances, to die, but to have to die twice…please spare me.

And after Lazarus came back to life, he lived in fear because the authorities wanted to kill him. What kind of life would that be even if you had a second chance at it? And what if dying the second time was more painful than the first?

I am sure there were very good reasons for Jesus to raise Lazarus from the dead. The most obvious one was it brought glory to God. But giving Lazarus a better life was not one of them. I’m sure Lazarus would much rather be in heaven than to have to come back to earth, to be hunted down by Jesus’ enemies, and die again.

Lazarus was brought back to life to fulfill God’s purpose for him. It’s wasn’t for his sake, it was for God’s glory. This leads me to once again be reminded that fulfilling God’s purposes is what life is about. It’s not about me. It’s about God.

One Response to “Lazarus”

  1. Euge Says:

    I’ve never thought of it from Lazarus’s perspective.

    This is a good reminder for living for God. 🙂