I unexpectedly saw a long time friend at Soupplantation today.  We were both waiting for our lunch partners so it was a perfect opportunity to catch up. To be honest, she is merely an acquaintance, and we barely recognized each other, but our conversation was so encouraging to me. I told her I wasn’t sure […]

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Every time I’m asked to speak, I get very excited about it.  I often think I have knowledge about the topic, plus I do more reading and research about it, and I feel confident. Then as soon as I think I’ve got a handle on the topic, I begin to feel like I know nothing. […]

This book has all the elements of a murder mystery that I love – all the pieces fit, believable characters, likeable detective who solves the case, and the ending is satisfying. There is one thing that bothers me about murder mysteries, in any medium – TV, movies, print, is that the killer always commits a […]

I like the term “First World problem”.  Every time I think I have a problem, I say to myself, “Heh, First World problem.” It helps me to put my problems in perspective. I have [more than] enough to eat, I never hear gunshots outside my house, I don’t fear for my life when I walk […]

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Here are some quotes I want to remember from the book Revolution in World Missions. Very convicting stuff. * As I studied the Gospels, it became clear to me that Jesus understood well the principle of reaching the poor. He avoided the major cities, the rich, the famous and the powerful, concentrating His ministry on […]

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In the sermon at church today, I was reminded about the rich young ruler to whom Jesus spoke. Jesus looked at the young man and loved him. He could relate to the challenge that was put forth – to give up his riches and power to follow God. Jesus himself gave up heaven’s riches and […]

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