stored in: General

Guest written by our friend Gladys Fuentes

I didn’t realize it was going to be such a big adjustment to move out of my parents’ house and into my own place. First of all, I didn’t even think about the fact that I didn’t have any furniture and I would have to buy some – until I save up enough I’m still going to be living on this beanbag chair! I also didn’t think about the fact that I’d need to call the utility providers and have things like cable and electric hooked up before I got there…woops. At least I already had wireless from www.wirelessinternetproviders.net so I didn’t have to worry about being offline. So far, so good in the new digs but paying rent and even doing laundry has been much harder without my mom around to nag me and tell me how it’s done! I’m lucky to have had such supportive parents but since I’m almost 23 it just made sense that it was time I moved out and got a place to call my own, you know?

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