Last week at church, R gave me some feedback that I really appreciated. Without going into details, I asked him and C how I can improve. They gave me good advice that I will definitely act on. Thanks, R and C.

We all have blindspots that need good friends to point them out to us. If you are at a certain level of friendship and trust with people, it is appropriate to tell one another how they can improve. I don’t mind if someone tells me how I can improve, provided he says it nicely and not critically.

However, other than to my family, I am very hesitant in giving people feedback. “Who I am to tell them?”, “Maybe it’s my problem, not theirs”, “I should accept them and love them as they are”, “I shouldn’t give people unsolicited advice.”

I suppose there is a fine line between giving helpful feedback with love and being critical.

What do you think?

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