When we say Christianity is a relationship, not a religion, what does that really mean?

How can you have a relationship with an invisible and infinite Being?

I had an insight at church today.

From what I read, all other religions require its followers to adhere to a set of standards, a system of worship, or some kind of ritual to approach their god. The god is distant and so highly exalted that he is unknowable and full of mystery. There is no way to predict what he would do next. People are at his mercy.

The Christian God on the other hand has made himself known to us. He did not send prophets or writings, but came to us personally in the person of Jesus Christ so that we can see Him and know Him. Everything He requires of us hinges on getting us to seek to know Him, not just to worship Him from a distance as a subject.

Take prayer for instance. God did not give us a system to pray, ie if we fulfill certain requirements such praying 3 times a day, 15 minutes each time, and if we gave 10% of our money, then He hears our prayers. N0.

God made prayer into a way for us to learn more about Him. We are to pray as a way to find out what He wants. In the process of prayer, we get to know His will. It’s not a matter of getting what we want from God, but it’s to find out what He wants – His priorities, what He cares about – who He is.

Another example – giving. God did not require a certain amount to satisfy Him. He wants us to give so that we learn to trust Him, to see His love for us when he gives us more than what we gave out, and to share in the work He is doing when we give towards His work.

Everything about Christianity is set up by God in such a way to lead us to know Him.

We might wish it to be easier – tell me the rules, I follow them and I’m in – NO. God didn’t want that kind of cold interaction. He wants us to know Him – a relationship.

We might misunderstand that a relationship with God means a fuzzy feeling, a strong emotional desire, or hearing a voice. Those may be elements of a relationship, but they do not define relationship.

Christianity is a relationship unlike other religions because God set up the system for us to know Him, not a system of rituals to appease Him. It’s a life long process, not a one time act.

One Response to “What does it mean to have a relationship with an infinite God?”

  1. Topics about Religion » What does it mean to have a relationship with an infinite God? Says:

    […] Stuff That Matters In Life created an interesting post today on What does it mean to have a relationship with an infinite God?Here’s a short outlineWhen we say Christianity is a relationship, not a religion, what does that really mean? How can you have a relationship with an invisible and infinite Being? I had an insight at church today.  From what I read, all other religions require its followers to adhere to a set of standards, a system of worship, or some kind […] […]