
This book in the Ender’s Game series was a little hard to get through. The start was a little slow. I gave up, skipped a few chapters, read the end, and then went back to read it through.

Orson Scott Card in this book Speaker for the Dead tells how humans and an alien species learns to coexist. It has some rather typical themes such as “you must respect each other’s cultures, no matter how ‘cruel’ it seems to you”, “should you give them technology to ‘improve’ their quality of life, or is that interfering?”, and “how do you live in harmony with other species so different from you?”

The second half of the book is better than the first, so if you get bogged down, just skim through till the action picks up.

One Response to “Speaker for the Dead”

  1. Speaker for the Dead | Hot Reviewz Says:

    […] This book in the Ender’s Game series was a little hard to get through. The start was a little slow. I gave up, skipped a few chapters, read the end, and then went back to read it through. Orson Scott Card in this book Speaker for the Dead tells how humans and an alien species learns Read the rest here:  Speaker for the Dead […]