stored in: General

“See, I am doing a new thing.” Isaiah 42:9

That was the theme of our church one or two years ago. Our church was founded about 20 years ago, and we asked God to rejuvenate us, to do a new thing in our church.

Well, looking back, I think God is doing a new thing. Our English pastor left, and many active members have left (going to other churches, which is ok for them, though it is a great disappointment to me.)

That’s a new thing alright, even though it’s not the thing I would’ve wanted God to do.

I don’t mean to imply that God made our pastor and those members leave and we take no responsibility. Our church probably has done some pretty stupid things and made some bad decisions that contributed to our present circumstances. Yet, as with all aspects of life, God is at work in the midst of any type of situation we may have created. Haven’t we all done some stupid things in our lives? Haven’t we all failed in some way or another? The essence of the Gospel and the Cross is grace and mercy. God offers redemption precisely because he knows we fail.

While our church is declining in attendance, I believe God is doing a new thing.

I don’t pretend to know what’s going to happen to our church. But I do know that God is doing some new things in my life.

I have learned that church is not about “getting something out of it.” It is about what you put into it.

I am no longer there to be with my friends like it’s a social club since most of my peers have left. I have learned to diversify my circle of support and look to God to be my main encourager.

I find that I can worship God in any setting, when there is no pianist and only one guitarist.

I am more and more thankful for the ones who are remaining at the church, those who are persevering alongside with me and picking up the slack.

Someone said to me that church doesn’t seem very exciting anymore. Well, it probably isn’t. But it’s a part of the season of life. Life cannot always maintain the same level of excitement. There are springs and summers, and there are winters. It may well be that this will be a long winter.

So put on an extra jacket. Hang in there. If we huddle together, we will survive the storm and come out stronger.

I have hope of Spring coming. As with anything in life, we trust in God’s sovereignty, that in the midst of difficult circumstances, He has a plan that he is unfolding. Will he let us down? Will he forget the faithful?

One day when we look back, we will see His wisdom and rejoice in the new thing that he accomplished.

One Response to “A new thing”

  1. Nat Says:

    It was a minor fender-bender… for me, anyway. I guess I shouldn’t have jinxed myself after Elliot had his accident by saying that. Or I should’ve gotten more sleep in the days before.

    Did Audrey have a good time at orientation??