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The shoe phone…the cone of silence…”Would you believe…”…”Sorry about that, Chief.”…”I told you not to tell me that.”

If you are a Get Smart fan, those phrases elicit laughter at the thought of Maxwell Smart, agent 86. It was one of my favorite shows when I was young. In recent years, I introduced Smart to my children when we watched reruns on TVLand. (It was taken off their schedule a couple of years ago.) We were never tired of the silly humor, and find ourselves quoting some of his famous lines. (I tried to get the same amusement by watching Green Acres, but nothing matches the level of witty buffoonery of Smart.)

Get Smart ran only 5 seasons on TV, but twice won the Emmy for best comedy series, and Don Adams won three Emmys for best comedy actor. On September 25, 2005, Adams passed away. While Maxwell Smart made him famous, Adams was not able to get out of the type cast to act in other roles. I hope he was gratified to know that he still has a following. Whenever I think of one of those funny lines from Get Smart, it’s reminiscent of the good ol’ days. I continue to be one of his fans.

2 Responses to “Get Smart”

  1. Pete Aldin Says:

    It’s one of the few shows you know will be clean and have plenty of slapstick. Our kids are enjoying it too as we collect all the episodes on DVD.

    “Would ya believe, one season on DVD?”
    “How about a photograph of Get Smart torn out of a newspaper?”

  2. Joyful Says:

    The re-runs came back on TV! I love 99!