stored in: General

I had an ultrasound on my thyroid this morning, also had some blood taken to check the thyroid function.

I’ve had an enlarged thyroid since I was pregnant with Elliot, that was 17 years ago. It has remained about the same size. The endocrinologist tells me it is about 2-3 times the normal size. He says that is not considered big, certainly not enough to consider surgery. It is not very noticeable to me, but I do feel some obstruction when I swallow. The function of my thyroid is normal – I am neither hyper nor hypo. There are some nodules that are of concern, but they are small, too small to even biopsy. The concern is that the nodules grow and become cancerous. I go in to check every 6 months to see if the nodules have grown. Up to now they have not. I am praying that nothing has changed, or perhaps the nodules would even shrink smaller.

There was very little wait at the lab today. I was out within 45 minutes, what a pleasant surprise! I have extra time to wash the breakfast dishes and do a load of laundry – exciting, I know.

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