Whenever someone says that they are not being “fed” by their pastor’s preaching at their church, I tell them to not criticize or complain. Afterall, it is not easy to deliver a good sermon every Sunday. Not every pastor is a good preacher.

Rather than expecting your pastor to “feed” you (and I don’t think feeding necessarily comes from a sermon), you can easily access any famous’ pastors preaching – on the radio, online, podcast, YouTube. John Piper, John MacArthur, Chuck Swindoll, Charles Stanley, Allister Berg, David Jeremiah – you have your pick. There is no shortage of ways to get good teaching. We are so fortunate to have the resources available.

I think much of my understanding of Scripture has come from listening to the radio, and more recently, from podcasts. I like listening to Christian radio. I like listening to sermons. Being “fed” by a sermon is a good use of otherwise wasted time in the car or walking or doing housework.

In fact, I would attribute much of my spiritual enlightenment has come from listening to Christian programs. Family Life and Focus on the Family have shaped most of my views on marriage and parenting. And of course, Stand To Reason that I always talk about, has helped me tremendously in dispelling doubts of my Christian faith. I would go so far as to say, I don’t know where I’d be without Christian radio

A good sermon on Sunday is nice, but don’t expect it to be your main source of your spiritual food. Church is more about the community, the friendships, the interaction between generations, and a place to serve one another. Those components of church you cannot get anywhere else.

As an aside, 1-11-11 came and went without fanfare. I was expecting more mention of this historic date. Maybe 11-11-11 will be more exciting, or maybe not.

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