This low iodine diet for 4 weeks is not very restrictive, yet, it’s a change in habit that I find a little disconcerting.

I reach for a homemade cookie made by a friend, and I can’t take a bite.

I am thirsty for a glass of milk to drink with my meal, and I have to drink water instead.

I want to make a quesadilla for breakfast – sorry, no cheese allowed.

I learned a bit about making changes in life:

– In order for a habit to be changed, there must be very strong motivation, some dire results if the change is not made.

– You must keep it on top of your mind at all times, otherwise it’s so easy to slip back into old habits without even thinking.

– The change will be very unnatural. It goes against our imprinted grain.

– Even a small change in my diet affects my whole life. Not a day goes by that I do not think about this low iodine diet. I am constantly thinking about what I will eat at the next meal.

– The change, if the results will be a greater good, is worth it.

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