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So Audrey was wondering why I would still remember what Mike was wearing when we first met over 25 years ago…Maybe subconsciously, I knew I would be blogging about him 25 years later and subconsciously made a note of it…while blogging didn’t exist then, I subconsciously had a feeling that something like an online journal would be available in 25 years …of course there was no such thing as being online, but I subconsciously knew…

2 Responses to “hmmm…”

  1. emme Says:

    AWW! i just read the thing about how u first met uncle mike. HAHAHA. my parents got married a year AFTER you guys. i love hearing how my parents met tooo. hehe.

  2. emme Says:

    and of COURSE you’d remember what he first wore. it’s a girl thingy. well, at least for me. 🙂