I just finished reading Why I am a Christian by John Stott.

Though Stott is a very popular Christian author, this is the first book I’ve read by him. I got this book free from Intervarsity when we visited Elliot during Parent’s weekend at USC.
The author explains several reasons why he is a Christian. The first is that he was pursued by God though he was not seeking God. He could not resist th “Hound of Heaven.” I think most Christians would look back on their Christian experience and feel the same. At the time though, it seems to me that I was the one choosing God. In hindsight, I can see how He chose me in spite of my casual attitude towards anything religious.

Stott’s second reason for being a Christian is not that it is nice, but that it is true. The claims of Christianity are in essence the claims of Christ. If Christ’s claims are true, then Christianity is true. Stott explains the uniqueness of Jesus that proves he is the Son of God.

Several more explanations are given for why the author is a Christian. Jesus uniquely answers our human needs and offers us true freedom are among them. The book gives a clear explanation of each point.

It took me awhile to get into the book. I liked the beginning, but I got bored and skipped to the end. Then I went back to read the middle. After that it began to make sense to me. At first, I was expecting the book to give more scientific evidence of why Christianity is true. Then I figured out that is not the intent of the book. It talks about our human condition, our basic needs, our desire for significance, and the claims of Jesus. It argues that Jesus is the only reasonable answer to all of life’s questions.

The book is affirming to someone like me who is a Christian. It clarifies the choice I’ve made to be a Christian, and that it is a intellectually reasonable choice to be a Christian. It would also help someone who is hesitating in his decision to put his faith in Christ, but who is truly seeking.

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