
I love Psalm 121. When I first learned to drive, in the pre-GPS, pre-Thomas Guide days (all we had were those maps from AAA, you  know, the ones that are impossible to refold), I was taught that if I am lost, look for the mountains – the mountains are north. We lived against the foothills […]

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A few of my friends like to run. I don’t understand running. Why agonize, sweat, suffer aches and pains – for what?? It’s not even fun. It’s not like basketball with the challenge of  getting the ball into the basket, or like football where there is fun in strategizing, or volleyball with interaction with your […]

Life’s disappointments can wear you down. Rejected for a date, not invited to a friend’s party, didn’t get what you wanted for Christmas – may be relatively minor disappointments and inconsequential in the scheme of things, but still, it can chip away the joy of living. There are the big things too – marriage problems, […]