Warning: Spoiler Alert

With a stack of church ministry books to read, I decided to take a break and read my favorite genre. A whodunnit mystery is one of my favorite ways to relax.

In this Hamish Macbeth mystery, a lot of people die. Anyone who comes in contact with the murderer dies. And it seems to me that when the author doesn’t know how to wrap it up, an unlucky break kills one of the bad guys: gets eaten by a shark, seriously. I do enjoy the characters though, I like Hamish.

The story is entertaining though the writing style is plain. Beaton is a good story teller, not a stylish writer, in my opinion.

One Response to “Death of a Chimney Sweep by M.C. Beaton”

  1. Death of a Witch by M.C. Beaton Says:

    […] another Hamish Macbeth mystery – a mindless […]