Another book given to me by B for my birthday. She warned me it’s a tear jerker, and it is. I cried at several parts of the book.

Same Kind of Different As Me is a true story of the friendship between Ron and Deborah Hall, an affluent white couple, and Denver Moore, a rough, homeless black man. I am glad it made it on the New York Times Bestseller list; I hope lots of people read it and get inspired by the message in the book.

The message is not just about friendship and love – you know, all that good stuff. But the gospel message is there, about human sin, redemption, forgiveness, and the realities of life here on earth. Real life does not always end with happily ever after, but God has a purpose for all that happens, true for the Halls and true for us.

Ron Hall started with a careless and pompous attitude towards the homeless. He said he was acting much like Henry Higgins. But Denver Moore changed his life.

I am convicted that I don’t often look past the exterior of the needy. This book allowed me to see that they are in fact a “same kind of different as me.”

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