stored in: General

Last night, Amy couldn’t sleep because of a stomachache that she’s had on and off for the whole day.

I googled the symptoms of appendicitis. She didn’t have a fever or loss of appetite (in fact, she ate a lot at dinner). But she did have rebound tenderness, and pain on the lower right side.

Well, we didn’t go to the hospital, and she felt better after going to the bathroom.

This incident made me think that it is actually not uncommonly to face a medical emergency at night, and it is something we all have to deal with. My dad had a ruptured appendix when I was young. I don’t remember much of the details. My medical emergencies as an adult are all pregnancy related: a miscarriage in the middle of the night, and going into labor at odd times to have my children.

People face many medical emergencies, such as an asthma attack, a critical fall like what my brother-in-law experienced recently (he tripped over the last step of the stairs and ended up with a cast for several weeks), even a heart attack…you never know if a stomachache could turn out to need hospitalization.

Please let me know if you have had appendicitis, and tell me the details, so I can be better prepared if it really happens.

One Response to “Appendicitis”

  1. peter Says:

    i didn’t personally have an Appendicitis but my friend did have one, and i went to the hospital to see him after he had his surgery. He said he had a feeling in the area where the appendix is, a feeling he’s never had before and that it didn’t hurt as much as it felt weird, then later on after it felt weird for a long time it started hurting extremely. That’s all i remember about the expierence other then how he looked and seemed after his surgery, but if you would like to hear about all that information i can tell you that too