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Fried twinkie Our annual trip to the LA County fair took place last Saturday. AND WE FINALLY DID IT! YES! We bought the $400 Vita-Mix that we have been drooling over every year! Last year, I said if I have a really good year selling real estate, we may buy one. This year is one […]

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Heard a few old favorites in a seminar yesterday: Knowing without doing is the same as not knowing. (I think in some ways it is worst. It produces arrogance.) Do not look back and say I could’ve, would’ve, should’ve. Don’t should all over yourself!

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…but we’re human, and our imperfect communication can cause conflicts that we never intend to happen. i’ve had my fair share of this, and everytime i thought through things afterward, i realize that things spiral out of control because we assume things using our own perspective, we don’t listen as well as we should, we […]

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I am diagnosed with Patello-Femoral Syndrome. Nothing life-threatening, but it does limit my life somewhat. I show the classic symptoms of pain in and around the kneecap, pain when climbing stairs and running, discomfort when sitting too long with knees bent, and cracking sound when the knee is bent. PFS is only on my left […]


I like to read biographies written for children. When we go to the library, I look in the J92 section – Juvenile biographies. The easy reading gives me a quick glance at famous characters. Amy and I read them together and often get inspired by what people have been able to accomplished. The biography of […]

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The Rodeo Murder is the title of the 3rd mystery in the book 3 At Wolfe’s Door, by Rex Stout. A rodeo comes to town, and the rich guy whom nobody liked and everyone would want dead is strangled during the party. There were 4, or was it 5 possible suspects. The movements and timing […]


Sonai Sunday School What year was this? It makes me happy to see everyone who has been at church with us through thick and thin. I thank God for the spiritual growth we’ve experienced together. Here are a few more old church pictures.

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The road to success is not straight. There is a curve called Failure, a loop called Confusion, speed bumps called Friends, red lights called Enemies, caution lights called Family. You will have flats called Jobs. But, if you have a spare called Determination, an engine called Perseverance, insurance called Faith, a driver called Jesus, you […]

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A baby was born 14 pounds, 13 ounces! “Less than 24 hours old, the baby was fitting into clothes for a 6-month-old and was too big for newborn diapers.” This mother gave birth 8 years ago to twins who each weighed 8 1/2 pounds! She must be some strong mama!

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Here is my first post under my new catagory of Book Review. I want to keep track of the books I read. Now that I am not in school, I can simply read for pleasure, no pressure of a test, don’t have to remember details and dates. I usually don’t even remember the author’s name. […]

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Cleaning house can be rewarding. I wiped down the kitchen cabinets, the greasy vent hood, and the dusty top of the refrigerator today. I felt a great sense of satisfaction, even though no one but me would notice the change. Tomorrow I am planning to super scrub the kitchen floor, O Yeah!

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The previous generation would say they will always remember exactly where they were and what they were doing when JFK was assasinated. Our generation will say we will always remember exactly where we were and what we were doing when the World Trade Center was hit on 9/11, 2001. It was a Tuesday, the day […]