
I experienced my first Lectio Divina today. I enjoyed the 55 minutes of meditating on one passage of the Bible along with 7 other ladies. It gave me a relaxed time to focus on God and silent prayer. There was no pressure to talk, although I did share my thoughts. And it was good to hear what some of the other ladies were reflecting on. I might’ve fallen asleep if I was meditating by myself for that long, but in a group setting sitting on hard chairs kept me alert.

I usually feel guilty doing something for myself that is not “productive”, but today, I felt very relaxed just sitting and meditating. Maybe it was because I was 25 miles away from home spending time that was specifically scheduled for this. I couldn’t get up to vacuum or read a book or prepare a lesson or check my email. It was time well spent.

This year, I want to be more of a Mary and lead by example. Lectio Divina today definitely took me a step towards that.

2 Responses to “Lectio Divina”

  1. Aaron Lee Says:

    Cool. I definitely would have fallen asleep meditating by myself for that long! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Joyful Says:

    I recommend trying it with a group.