Why are people surprised when they find out I did not vote for Obama.

Almost 60 million others did not vote for him.

It’s no surprise to me that polls are showing lower approval rates for Obama.

2 Responses to “Obama’s popularity dips”

  1. Sammee Says:

    I am proud to say that I too, did not waste my vote on the big “O”!

    Our great Nation deserves more than an inexperienced, incompetent guy who’s only qualifications were 1) he’s african -decent, 2) can read and 3) good at regurgitating whatever his speech writer tell him to say – without the uhs, ums, uh, uh, well….

    Now that the big “O” is in the WH, all I can say is “God helps us all!” and I pray that He will bless us with his mercy and grace in the days ahead!

    God bless America!

  2. Joyful Says:

    We indeed need God’s mercy, no matter who is in the WH.