
Ikea was the perfect work space today. There’s underground parking so we don’t have to get wet, I get free coffee or tea as an Ikea member, we sat next to the window in the cafe with an open view of the rain. Read my Perspectives book and felt productive. And of course we got meatballs for lunch. And when we get tired, we can choose a bedroom to take a nap…no we didn’t do that. But we did buy a mirror in the clearance section, it was exactly what I was looking for.

We did nothing to celebrate Lunar New Year’s eve. I, in general am not a big fan of cultural traditions, and only do it if it suits me. I’ll go watch fireworks on July 4 because it’s fun. I don’t even do much to celebrate birthdays or anniversaries. But I do believe in celebrating Christian traditions by going to church – Christmas, Good Friday, Easter, and weekly Sabbath is pretty important to me.

So tonight we had steaks for Lunar New Year’s eve, and tomorrow we’ll probably have the traditional chicken with the head and tail intact. Only because we happen to remember.

Did a lot of reading for Perspectives, my brain is so full and tired.


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