
Amy unfortunately inherited my allergy problems resulting in frequent post nasal drip. It causes soreness in her throat and a nauseous feeling. It is not fun. I should know because I have post nasal drip practically year-round.

Everyday Amy asks to be prayed for. And I do pray for her everyday. And everyday the post nasal drip still bothers her.

Yesterday, I finally said to her, “Amy, there are some things in life we have to learn to live with. I suffered from post nasal drip when I was in elementary school, and I still have constant post nasal drip now. It hasn’t gone away. We wish and pray that it would change, but this may be a burden that you have to bear for a long time.”

In our culture where we strive for control and where we are taught that anything to possible if we apply ourselves, we don’t like to think that there are some things in life we cannot change.

I was encouraged today by a friend who is at peace with her singleness. Many of her peers who struggle with the same issue are so discontent and wish so badly that they were married. But this friend told me that she has seen God work in so many other ways in her life that she knows she can trust God for her future. Sure, she struggles with loneliness, yet she is at peace. She is an example of someone who is not wishing and pining to change her circumstances.

I learn that we cannot be living for things to change. We cannot center our attention and energy into praying that it will change.

Perhaps it is a situation that we have to adjust to. Perhaps we have to stop complaining about it, stop thinking about it, stop allowing it to steer our emotions and limit our enjoyment of other things in life.

We can make up our mind that life has things that we are to endure.

2 Responses to “Unchanging circumstances”

  1. Nat Says:

    To quote the DenBoer: “Sometimes God doesn’t change your circumstances until your circumstances change you.”

  2. Joyful Says:

    And after you change, sometimes God still doesn’t change your circumstances.